63 Porto Rafti Avenue, Markopoulo Mesogaias 19003

Greek coffee


Greek coffee 500g.

Every sip of coffee contains a bit of our care and passion, since we ourselves process, “roast” and standardize the coffee that we distribute in every part of Greece.

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Tradition and passion merge in 2 varieties of Greek coffee that you can find with us: Dark or Blonde, produced from strong but refined blends to cover every taste.

The best coffee for Greek coffee lovers. Freshly ground in a 500g package. The fresher it is, the better it is made.

Greek coffee has a characteristic rich and creamy taste. It is made from Arabica coffee beans, which are ground into a very fine powder (much finer than any other coffee).

It has a higher caffeine content than most coffees you are served. The reason for this is because the coffee is very finely ground, the water is able to more easily extract all the soluble compounds such as caffeine. The coffee is also not filtered and stays at the bottom of the cup.

A cup of Greek coffee offers a strong amount of caffeine, which also has potential health benefits. Caffeine, for example, is thought to delay the onset of muscle fatigue by helping your body use its own fat stores for energy.

Coffee may be just what you need before your workout!

Reasonable consumption, up to five cups of coffee a day, helps you focus and stay mentally alert.

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